Take a Step of Faith
TakeaStepofFaith TODAY’SSCRIPTURE "…Andasthe […]READ MORE>>
You Are Closer Than You Think
YouAreCloserThanYouThink TODAY’SSCRIPTURE "; […]READ MORE>>
What Moves God
WhatMovesGod TODAY´SSCRIPTURE "AndwhenHesawt […]READ MORE>>
Give Life to Your Faith
GiveLifetoYourFaith TODAY´SSCRIPTURE "…faith […]READ MORE>>
Faith That God Can See
FaithThatGodCanSee TODAY´SSCRIPTURE "…Youcan […]READ MORE>>
What’s Following You?
What’sFollowingYou? TODAY´SSCRIPTURE "Surely […]READ MORE>>
보지 않고도 느껴지는 사랑
보지않고도느껴지는사랑 사이좋은중년부부가살았다.그런데어느날부인의눈에이상이생긴걸알게되었다.그래서수술을했 […]READ MORE>>
Say Continually
SayContinually TODAY´SSCRIPTURE "Letthemshou […]READ MORE>>
Crowned With Goodness
CrownedWithGoodness TODAY’SSCRIPTURE "Youcro […]READ MORE>>
Go the Extra Mile
GotheExtraMile TODAY’SSCRIPTURE "Andwhoeverc […]READ MORE>>