“공산주의자, 좌파”를…

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“공산주의자, 좌파”를…

~ 이상봉 / 철학박사

그대가 믿거나 말거나,
소위 “공산주의자, 좌파, 개혁 혁명가라는 자들”을…
“끝이 없는 범법자, 적대세력, 평화 파괴자, 배신자, 선동가,
반란자, 도발자, 그리고 말썽 제조기” 라고 부르는 것은,
전혀, 조금도, 과장된 것이 아니다! ~ 이상봉]

Believe it or not,
It’s not an exaggeration at all,
To say that the so-called communists, lefts and revolutionists…
They are “the perpetual perpetrators, hostile forces,
peacebreakers, backbiters, agitators(instigators), insurrectors,
provocateurs, and troublemakers! ~ Sang Bong Lee
~ The Gleaners, 2021.

~Sang Bong Lee, Ph.D.,
Dr. Lee’s Lessons: Discovering Your Nature,
Dr. Lee’s Iconoclasm.
Dr. Lee’s an effable and ineffable.
All rights reserved and copyrighted.
(무단복제사용을 금함)

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