Wolfgnag Amadeus Mozart / Don Giovanni / Royal Concertgebow Orchestra
"나의산책로…부모님과함께…동네한바퀴돌기…" 모짜르 […]READ MORE>>
Dance Mot Var / Anne Vada
http://youtu.be/No0fHZhze9Y DanceMotVar/AnneVadaREAD MORE>>
“ㅌ ㅡ ㄱ ㅂ ㅕ ㄹ ㅎ ㅏ ㄴ ㅅ ㅓ ㄴ ㅁ ㅜ ㄹ”
생생하게…기억되는시간…살아있는날들… 수많은사람들을피해…나 […]READ MORE>>
Plasir D’amour / Nana Mouskouri
PlasirD’amour/NanaMouskouriREAD MORE>>
Angel of the morning / Juice Newton
Angelofthemorning/JuiceNewtonREAD MORE>>
The Four Seasons / Vivaldi
TheFourSeasons/Vivaldi "無所屬…非禮弗履…!!! 鳳 […]READ MORE>>
“UK 2011 Professionals Ballroom Final”
"UK2011ProfessionalsBallroomFinal"READ MORE>>
Contro un cor che accende amore / Maria Callas
Controuncorcheaccendeamore/MariaCallasREAD MORE>>
Granada / Elina Garanca
그라나다… 스페인남부…안달루시아지방…그라나다주의주도. 시에라네바다산 […]READ MORE>>