Where you are sitting on?

Shelly Kagan 교수님의 ‘죽음이란 무엇인가? (DEATH )’를 읽고


“니, 앉은자리가 어디고?”






Shelly Kagan 교수님의 ‘죽음이란 무엇인가? (DEATH )’


번역본을 203 페이지까지 나름대로 정성들여서 읽고 던져두었다가


갑자기 화장실에서 생각나서


Shelly Kagan 교수님께 묻습니다.





“이 도둑놈아, 니, 앉은자리가 어디고?”


“Where you are sitting on?”








7월의 마지막 날 바닷가에 누웠으니


벌거벗은 그놈은 원래부터 허깨비라,


다시 한번 노선사께서 앉은자리 묻는다면


내 기꺼이 당신의 혀뿌리를 뽑으리라.













智峯 合掌






Seeking a Mind


This poem is dedicated to the Zen master Woon-Gyung (1910-1997).




At the last day of July


Lying down on the seashore.


From the beginning


The naked one was a phantom.


Once more


The old Zen master asked me


“Where you are sitting on?”


I was willing to uproot the tongue of the master.



–With a respect to Zen master,


Woon-Gyung (An old man who is ploughing in the cloudland).





Dae-Heui Lee, M.D., Ph.D.


Copyright ⓒ2004 Dae-Heui Lee, M.D., Ph.D.





One early evening in the winter of 1996, I visited a small Buddhist hermitage with my old friend. After supper, an old Zen master asked me abruptly, “Where are you sitting?” I did not know how to reply and I was sweating frozen. One year later, when I visited the hermitage again, the Zen master had already entered Nirvana. Last summer, I was lying on the seashore. When I was falling asleep, I suddenly understood the meaning of the question. I could not find myself anywhere, there is only the sense of self and interrelationship of cause and occasion.






I’d like to ask to Prof. Shelly Kagan about DEATH.



“Where you are sitting on?”





Dae-Heui Lee, M.D., Ph.D.

Associate Professor

Department of Pharmacology

Kosin University, College of Medicine

34 Amnam-Dong, Seo-Gu, Busan

602-703, Republic of Korea




URL: http://www.DCmedicine.net

E-mail: dhlee@ns.kosinmed.or.kr



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